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PSA: Avoiding Foods Won't Fix It

Jul 29, 2024
Functional Medicine, Functional Medicine Covington WA, Functional Medicine Seattle WA, Functional Medicine Portland OR, gut health, hormone balance, food sensitivities

If you have to avoid a food forever then you're missing the most important part

I got this wrong for a long time.

I know a lot of people that avoid certain foods.  Sometimes it's because of personal preferences. Sometimes it's because of sensitivities or allergies. Sometimes it's because of beliefs.

I too, was a long time food avoider for health reasons.

I discovered I was gluten sensitive about 15 years ago.

I knew I had to stay away from gluten and I was supposed to 'heal my gut'- whatever that meant. I did my best.

But nothing worked. Each time I tried gluten (intentionally or unintentionally), I would FEEL it.

From aches and pains in my shoulders and neck, to acne, to migraines, to bloating and digestive issues.

It sucked.

And if you're gluten sensitive, you know its STILL hard to avoid (I mean it's just so GOOD and tasty and its in almost EVERYTHING 😩).

To compound this, after over 10 years of being gluten intolerant, I found I was also sensitive to corn and eggs.  It became extremely hard to avoid ALL of these foods. I felt like a nuisance every time I went out to eat if I asked about what ingredients were in things.  But it was either that or roll the dice on how bad my symptoms could get afterward. 

What I was missing for most of the past 15 years was the real "how-to" part of "heal my gut".

I had heard "drink bone broth" and "avoid other grains" and "don't eat dairy" and "limit alcohol" and I took those to heart for a long time to no avail.

In truth, the issue was that I followed generic advice.

Healing your gut is a personal matter and it will look different for you than it will for anyone else.

I didn't know how to do this until I found Functional Medicine.

For me it took:

🤯 Using betaine HCL for low stomach acid

🤯 Doing a step by step detox with Cellcore's Comprehensive Protocol (spendy but the best I've found, access code 9Lr2Mf3T)

🤯 Short term, high dose L-glutamine

🤯 "Leaky gut" tea with healing herbs

🤯 Meditation and mindset work to reprogram my subconscious nervous system (hello gut 🧠)

🤯 NO ALCOHOL (this was the hardest to accept for a long time... thank you pregnancy for getting me there)

And after 15 years of avoiding gluten and regretting every time I ate it... I now can eat it EVERY. DAMN. DAY.

If you're ready to jump start your inner healing, start the Gutsy Reboot today.

In this online course, I walk you step by step through a process to personalize your nutrition and healing to make it as unique as you.

You deserve to be free.

Start working with me today!

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