Portland Functional Medicine
Struggling To Get Answers For Your Wellbeing?
Learn how to hack your hormones and accelerate your healing through 5 essential steps
Did you know that nearly half of women report that their hormones negatively affect their wellbeing?
Learn how to level up your self healing tools by hacking your hormones, healing your nervous system, and empowering yourself through Functional Medicine testing + the essential steps towards wellbeing. Watch my FREE webinar now to unlock your natural healing potential.

You Can Regain Your Health & Take Back Your Power
Learn the formula to accelerate your wellbeing and transform your life:
- Eradicate the burdens of stress.
- Reignite your natural metabolism and energy.
- Harness the power of your hormones.
- Move forward with confidence + clarity.
- Live the life full of enthusiasm and vitality you've dreamed of.
Yes, It Really Is Possible!
In the Hack Your Hormones Webinar, you'll learn the 5 essential steps to get you there.
WATCH NOWImagine in the next 6 months, if you could…
- Feel resilient, strong, and reconnected with your joy
- Have the energy to show up fully in your life
- Be empowered and in control of your health
The right steps in the right order make all the difference.
Start learning how by watching my How To Hack Your Hormones Webinar.
I'm Christine Patterson
After graduating with my doctorate in nursing, my health was crashing. Not exactly the way I expected to start my new career! But with openness and curiosity, I discovered a better approach to health care through Functional Medicine, and got my health back on track.
Now I use what I've learned to help people just like you find renewed energy and wellbeing. I’ll show you how to wake up with energy, stress less, and reconnect with your joy with straightforward, empowering tools.